Tuesday, September 8, 2015

PTO Meetings

PTO Board Meeting and Elections

Monday, September 14th 6:00PM - 6:30PM

We are holding our first meeting on Monday. The agenda of the meeting is to get our By-laws voted in and our Board members in place. Below you will find the current slate for our Board.  This is not a final list and all positions are still open for nominations.  You can view our bylaws on line ahead of time athttp://woodardpto.blogspot.com/p/bylaws.html .
We also have the board positions and committee positions descriptions listed here

****Volunteers needed to help cover 5th grade lunch and recess with the kids.  September 15th 12:30PM to 2PM. Please let me know if you are available.****

President: Barbara Kubiak
1st VP Membership: Caree Harris
2nd VP Major Fundraising: Melissa Rogers
3rd VP Minor Fundrasing: Angela Folmar
4th VP Curriculum Support: Andrea Seay
5th VP Homeroom Activities: PPCD- 2nd Jamie Gibbs 3rd-5th Christi Ginn
Secretary/ Parliamentarian: Erin Davis and Aaliya Akhtar
Treasurer: Emma Karko
VIPS : Tammy Willis ( would love another parent with younger kids as co-chair) 

September 14th 6PM
September 18th 9AM
October 5th 7PM
November 20th 9AM
January 15th 9AM
February 19th 9AM
April 11th 6:30PM
May 20th 9AM

If you have any questions, please e-mail us at swoodardpto@gmail.com

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Nomination forms for Committee and Chairperson Positions

Nomination forms have been added to the site. You may access them here: http://woodardpto.blogspot.com/p/nomination-forms.html
or through the tab at the top of the page.

Please fill out the appropriate form and return to the school no later than May 29, 2015. If you have any questions about any PTO Board Positions, please contact Barbara Kubiak at aggie_babs97@yahoo.com.