The name of this non-profit parent
teacher organization shall be the Woodard Elementary PTO (here in after referred
to as “PTO” or “Organization”).
This Organization exists as an
incorporated entity as defined by its “Articles of Incorporation,” which were
certified by the State of Texas on July 8, 2015.
Section 1: The members of
the Organization shall consist of parents, guardians and staff, or any
interested patron of the Cy-Fair ISD who will agree to uphold the policies and
Bylaws of this Organization and whose membership dues are paid and current.
Section 2: The PTO Board
shall establish the level of membership dues annually. Payment of the annual
membership dues is required to be a member in good standing of the
The objectives of this
Organization are to:
Section 1: Enrich the
education of the children attending Woodard Elementary School by supporting the
administration of the school with the talents and resources of parents,
guardians, teachers, staff and other interested individuals who have the
children’s best interest in mind and are willing to uphold these Bylaws.
Section 2: Provide
opportunities for parents, staff, and members of the community to contribute to
growth experiences for the children through well-planned programs of an
educational nature.
Section 3: Provide and
avenue for utilization of community resources to aid in the educational programs
and to demonstrate to students parental support and concern for their
Section 4: Provide an
Organization which is organized exclusively for charitable and educational
purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the Organization shall
not engage in any activities not permitted (a) by an organization exempt from
federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or the
corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law) or (b)
by an organization’s contributions to which are deductible under Section
170(c)(2) or the Internal Revenue Code (or corresponding provision of any
future United States Internal Revenue Law).
The policies of the Organization
are as follows:
Section 1: The objectives of the Organization
are educational and shall be developed through conferences, committees, and projects.
Section 2: This Organization is non-commercial, non-sectarian, and
Section 3: The Organization shall cooperate with
the school to support the improvement of education in ways that will not
interfere with the administration of the school. The Organization shall
not seek to control policies of the school or the school district.
Section 4: The name of this
Organization or the names of any members in their official capacities shall not
be used in any connection with a commercial concern or with any partisan
interest or for any purpose not appropriately related to promotion of the
objects of the Organization.
Section 5: The Organization
shall comply with all applicable laws of local, state and federal governments.
As well as follow CFISD guidelines and policies concerning Parent-Teacher Organizations.
Section 1: The PTO Board
shall consist of: President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd
Vice-President, 3rd Vice-President, 4th Vice President, 5th
Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Volunteer Coordinators, Principal and/or
a Staff Liaison of the school.
Section 2: Open meetings of
the PTO Board shall be held monthly during the school year. The meeting times
will be decided by the PTO President prior to the first Board meeting of the
school year, and notice shall be provided no later than two (2) days prior to
the meeting. Special meetings of the PTO Board may be called by the President,
the Principal, or by a majority vote of the members of the Board. A majority of
the PTO Board shall constitute a quorum at all Board meetings. Meetings will be
open forum at the end of each meeting for members to discuss non-agenda
Section 3: Performance of
all PTO Board and Committee members is subject to review. The Board may elect
to send notice to those that are not fulfilling their duties. Reasonable
consequences may follow, including removal from office, if approved by a
majority vote of the remaining PTO Board and the Principal.
Section 1: At least two (2) general meetings of the Organization shall
be held during the school year.
Section 2: General meetings
of the Organization shall be called at the discretion of the Board and the Principal
upon prior written notice to the parents and staff of the school.
Section 3: PTO members in
good standing shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business in any
general meeting of the Organization. A majority vote of those present is
necessary for approval of business unless otherwise stipulated in these Bylaws.
Section 4: The privileges
of holding office, serving as committee chairs, introducing motions, debating,
and voting shall be limited to members of the Organization in good standing, in
Section 5: All proceedings
during Organizational meetings shall be governed by standard parliamentary
procedure, in accordance with ARTICLE XIII – PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY.
Section 1: Funds raised by
the Organization shall be spent exclusively for the enhancement of the
educational environment and growth of the children attending Woodard Elementary
School and other CFISD schools/educational centers as designated by the Woodard
PTO, and for the operation of this Organization.
Section 2: Fiduciary responsibilities of the PTO Board shall include the
A. The current PTO Board,
with input from the Principal, shall prepare a recommended budget to the incoming
B. The current PTO Board
shall also present recommendations concerning the spending of unallocated
monies for the current school year at the last PTO Board meeting of the school
year for approval by the current and incoming PTO Board.
C. At the last Board meeting
of the school year, the proposed budget will be presented to the current and
incoming Board. The current and incoming PTO Board members present will discuss
the purpose of the budget recommendations by outgoing Board.
D. The incoming Board will
present an adjusted budget proposal for their term and shall then present it to
the entire PTO body at the first general PTO meeting of the school year for
member approval.
E. Prior to the end of the
fiscal year, an Auditing Committee of not less than 3 members in good standing will
be selected by the President and Principal to review the books after the
closing of the fiscal year. Audit must be completed before September 1st
of the next fiscal year.
Section 3: An overall
expense statement shall be made available to PTO members at all PTO Board
meetings and General PTO meetings.
Section 4: All checks must have the signatures of two (2) of the three
(3) authorized PTO Board Members.
Section 5: All monies
collected by the Organization must be counted on site by a minimum of two (2) PTO
members, one of which must be a Board member or a Committee Chair. Counted
money is to remain in the PTO safe until it can be deposited in the
Organization’s bank account. Counted money shall be deposited into the
Organization’s bank account by authorized bank signers only.
Section 6: Expenditures
A. Budgeted expenditures may
be incurred at the discretion of the Committee Chair, with prior approval from
the Vice President to which they report.
B. Any over-budget expenditure must receive
prior approval from a majority of the PTO Board.
C. Expenditures over $500.00
must be specifically stated in an approved plan of work and may not differ from
that plan of work without securing prior approval by a majority vote from the
PTO Board.
Section 7: No part of the net
earnings of the Organization shall become operative to the benefit of, or be
distributable to its members, trustees, directors, officers, or other private
persons, except that the Organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay
reasonable compensation for services actually rendered to the Organization or
allowed by the Organization as a reasonable allowance for authorized
expenditures incurred on behalf of the Organization.
Section 8: Upon the
dissolution of the Organization, assets shall be distributed by the PTO Board, after
paying or making provisions for the payment of all of the debts, obligations,
liabilities, costs, and expenses of the Organization exclusively for the
purposes of the Organization, or to such organization(s) operated exclusively
for charitable, educational, or scientific purposes as shall at the time
qualify as an exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code (or the corresponding provision of any future United States
Revenue Law), as the PTO Board shall determine. Any such assets not so disposed
of shall be disposed of by the Court of Competent Jurisdiction of the county in
which the principle office of the Organization is then located, exclusively for
such purposes or to such organization(s), as said Court shall determine, which
are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.
Section 1: Nomination Process
A. For initial PTO start up,
the PTO Steering Committee shall serve as Nominating Committee. A slate of officers will be posted prior to
the initial vote at the first general meeting of the year.
B. There shall be a
Nominating Committee composed of three members, all of whom shall be selected
by the PTO Board at least one month prior to the election. One member shall be from the PTO Board and
two selected from the general membership.
The President shall appoint one of the three to serve as Chairman of the
C. Any PTO member who
desires his/her name on the slate of nominees for PTO Board must notify the
Nominating Committee Chairman in writing as soon as possible after the meeting
at which the Nominating Committee is formed.
This includes any current PTO Board member who would like to continue in
his/her same position or who would like to remain on the PTO Board but change
to a different position.
D. The Nominating Committee
shall select at least one nominee for each office to be filled. This slate must be approved by the current PTO
Board and reported to the general membership via written notice (PTO newsletter/social
media/website and/or Woodard newsletter). Additionally, nominations may be
taken up until the election, including from the floor at the election meeting.
Section 2: Election Guideline
A. Individuals in good
standing with the Organization who submit a letter of interest form for a Board
position will be placed on a ballot pending approval by the Nominating
Committee. A meeting of the Organization will be held to introduce the
nominees. A quorum of those PTO members in good standing, present and voting is
required for an election to be valid.
B. Incoming Board members
shall be elected and installed at the last general PTO meeting of the school
C. The outgoing Board
members shall complete any outstanding business for the current fiscal year, and
facilitate the transition of the newly installed Board.
Section 3: Terms of Office
A. The newly elected Board
members shall assume their full official duties at the beginning of the elected
CFISD fiscal year on July 1st.
B. PTO Board members shall
not be eligible to serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same
office. This may be waived if there are no other members in good standing who
submit a letter of interest form for that office.
C. All elected Board members
and Committee Chairs shall be members in good standing of the Woodard PTO.
D. A term of office is
defined as one (1) year, from the assumption of duties except for the positions
of President and Treasurer whose term of office is defined as two (2) years.
Section 4: Resignations and Terminations
A. Resignation from the PTO Board
must be submitted in writing to the PTO President, and must be received prior
to the effective date.
B. Board members may be
terminated from office for not fulfilling their duties as outlined in these Bylaws.
A termination requires a majority vote in favor of the motion from all
remaining Board members upon a vacancy occurring in any office of the PTO Board.
The President shall appoint a member in good standing to fulfill the duties of
the individual who vacates the position. This motion requires a majority vote
of the PTO Board in favor of the candidate and approval of the Principal.
Section 1: The duties of all PTO Board members shall be to:
A. Present a report of any
on-going work in their respective areas of responsibility at PTO Board meetings
and at meetings of the Organization as deemed necessary. This may include, but
not be limited to, inviting appropriate members of the Organization to attend
and present and update regarding a specific committee or project.
B. Attend monthly PTO Board
meetings, general PTO meetings, and special meetings that may be called. Board
members unable to attend should notify the President. A Board member who accumulates
two (2) consecutive unexcused absences from Board meetings will be placed under
review by the Board and the Principal as described in ARTICLE X, Section 2.
C. Perform all duties as outlined in these
D. Transact necessary
business in the intervals between meetings of the Organization. A majority of
the elected PTO Board members shall constitute a quorum at meetings of the Board
E. Perform specific duties
for the office for which they were elected, including, but not limited to, those
duties delineated in the Sections following.
Section 2: Any elected or
appointed officer who is unable or unwilling to fulfill his/her duties, not
acting in the best interest of the Organization or is in violation of school or
PTO policy may be placed under review or removed from the PTO Board by a
majority vote. This includes but is not limited to, unexcused absences
from PTO Board Meetings or failure to communicate with other PTO Board Members
regarding Organization business. (An unexcused absence occurs when the
officer does not contact the President prior to meeting when he or she cannot
attend.) Prior to review or removal, the PTO Board will send a notice
approved by the Principal and signed by a Representative of the PTO Board to
the said officer.
Section 3: The duties of the President
shall be to:
A. Preside over the Organization for a two
(2) year term held by only one individual per term.
B. Preside at all meetings
of the Organization and the PTO Board.
C. Prepare and present an agenda for all
such meetings.
D. Review and approve the
work of the Board members and their Committees in order that the objectives may
be promoted.
E. Represent Woodard Elementary at the
District level as necessary.
F. The President shall also
be an ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nomination Committee.
G. Clearly communicate with
the PTO general membership as to the progress of PTO Board activities and
progress of work.
Section 4: The duties of the Vice-Presidents
shall be to:
A. Act as aides to the President
and shall, in the order listed, perform the duties of the President in the
absence or inability of the President to serve. These positions have a one (1)
year term and may be held by two persons in a co-VP capacity.
B. The 1st Vice-President(s)
shall be in charge of Membership
which includes, but is not limited to, membership drive, prepare and maintain
membership roster, and prepare and distribute the membership directory, and
other such duties delegated by the PTO Board
C. The 2nd Vice-President(s)
shall be in charge of Major Fundraising
events which includes, but is not limited to, investigating the options for
major fundraisers, present those options to members of the PTO Board and the
Principal for approval, and coordinate and oversee all activities regarding
Major Fundraising, and other such duties as delegated by the PTO Board.
D. The 3rd Vice-President(s)
shall be in charge of Minor Fundraising
activities which includes, but is not limited to, investigating options for
minor fundraisers, present those options to members of the PTO Board and the
Principal for approval, and coordinate and oversee all activities regarding
Minor Fundraising and other such duties delegated by the PTO Board.
E. The 4th Vice-President(s)
shall be in charge of Curriculum Support,
which includes, but is not limited to, investigating options for curriculum
enhancement, present those options to members of the PTO Board and Principal for
approval, and coordinate and oversee all activities regarding Curriculum Support
and other such duties delegated by the PTO Board.
F. The 5th Vice-President(s)
shall be in charge of coordinating the parents for Homeroom Activities, which includes, but is not limited to,
coordinating help for school parties, helping with field day and other needs
that the teacher may have from the parents and other such duties as delegated
by the PTO Board.
Section 5: Board members
holding the positions of Secretary, Treasurer, and Volunteer Coordinator shall
serve as aides to all other Board members on an as-needed basis, in addition to
specific duties as defined in following sections.
Section 6: The Secretary/Parliamentarian shall record
and present for approval the minutes of all meetings of the Organization and
the PTO Board, and shall handle general correspondence for any business of the
PTO Board. In addition, shall
advise the presiding PTO Board regarding questions of parliamentary rules,
provide consultation regarding parliamentary procedure, and perform duties as
detailed in Article X.
Section 7: The Treasurer shall follow all aspects of
these Bylaws in regards to finances. Furthermore, the Treasurer shall develop
an itemized budget for proposal to the PTO Board, receive all monies of the Organization,
keep accurate records of receipts and expenditures, pay out funds in accordance
with the approved budget, present a financial statement at each meeting of the
Organization and the PTO Board, and complete or oversee the completion of all
state and federal tax forms as required by law. The Treasurer will have all
accounts examined and verified by a review committee appointed by the Board.
The term of this office is two (2) years.
Section 8: The Volunteer Coordinator shall oversee all
volunteer needs at Woodard with focus on recruitment, retention, and
Section 9: The Principal
and/or Staff Liaison shall attend Board meetings and give input on needs of the
campus as well as confirm event schedules.
Section 1: Committees shall
be created by the PTO Board as deemed necessary to promote the objectives and
carry on the work of the Organization. All formed committees must adhere to the
following guidelines. Chairs of all committees shall be appointed with the
approval of the Board and the consideration of the Principal. Committee Chairs
are responsible for recruiting their committee members, and for assisting with
designated PTO functions.
Section 2: In conjunction
with the Board member in charge of a particular area, the Chair of each Committee
shall propose a plan of work and submit that plan of work to the Board for approval of the committee, its function, and/or the event
that will be conducted and, if applicable, what budgeted funds will be required.
An approved plan of work is defined as a breakdown of how a particular event
will allocate its budgeted funds.
Section 3: Any committee
that is created and appointed for a special purpose shall automatically dissolve
when that purpose has been fulfilled.
Section 4: The President shall be a member ex-officio of all committees
except the Nominating Committee.
Section 1: These By-Laws
may be amended at any General Meeting of the Organization by a two-thirds vote
of the members present and voting; and further provided that notice of the
proposed amendment has been given at least two weeks prior to the General
Meeting by written notice communicated to the Organization.
Section 2: Copies of the
amended Bylaws must then be submitted to the CFISD and all appropriate agencies
of the state and federal governments. A copy of the revised Bylaws shall be
posted at the school and made available to all members of the Organization.
Section 1: The rules
contained in the Robert’s Rules of Order, in its most current revised state, shall
govern all meetings of the Organization in all cases in which they are
Section 2: The fiscal year
of the Organization shall run concurrent with the currently defined CFISD
fiscal year.
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